[tlhIngan Hol] tlhIngan maH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 18 06:25:36 PDT 2019

I've always been of Luciano's opinion.  Note that an unmarked plural predicate with {maH} is also seen in:

  yaS maH 
  We are officers.  (TKD)

On the other hand ...

  wo' tay' tlhInganpu' maH! 
  We are U.K. Klingons!  (RT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Luciano Montanaro
> I learned that plural ending is optional in Klingon... So I would expect it would be
> used basically for emphasis or at least disambiguation, in common usage.  And
> {tlhIngan maH} is not ambiguous, as {maH} clearly indicates that the subject is plural.
> On the other hand, I noticed the Duolingo course, especially, always uses plural suffixes.

mayqel wrote:
>> I always understood tlhIngan maH, as "we are Klingon" i.e. members of the Klingon 
>> species, instead of "we are Klingons", as in "Klingon individuals".

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