[tlhIngan Hol] And now..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 11:37:38 PDT 2019

jI*pink*mo', 'ej jItunmo', pIch vIghaj'a' ?

'IHmo' pIwwIj, 'ej ngechchajDaq mulanmo' be'pu'chaj, pIch vIghaj'a' ?

'ej qoghDu' tIq ghajbej 'op puqpu'chaj.. teH, 'ach chay' joch ?

'ej mu'meyvam QubtaHvIS cheS Do'Ha', SaQ..

'ej SaQtaHvIS, maQongnIS..

~ khkhhk

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