[tlhIngan Hol] yong and yongHa'

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 09:03:22 PDT 2019

On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 16:58, Will Martin <willmartin2 at mac.com> wrote:

> Mostly, I see that “get in” implies more of an explicit, visible
> container, as in, “We’re leaving. Get in the car,” or “It’s raining. Get in
> the house.” Contrast this to, “After hours on the road, we entered the
> city,” or “You are entering the Twilight Zone”.

The interpretation that {yong} is for something transient, like a vehicle,
whereas {'el} is for more stationary boundaries, is at least compatible
with known canon, though we may just have insufficient information.

I know of only one canon instance of {yong}, about riding a jitney:
* {yIyong 'ej pa' yIQam!} "Get in and stand there!" (Conversational Klingon)

Here are some canon instances of {'el}. There might be more that I've
* {Hevetlh wIghoSchugh, veH tIn wI'el maH'e'.} "That course will take us
into the Barrier as well." (Star Trek V)
* {HIq DaSammeH tach yI'el.} "To find ale, go into a bar." (TKW p.181)
* {'elmeH chaw'} "entry pass" (By Any Other Name: An Evening of Shakespeare
in Klingon)
* {molor HoSghaj woQ / luDoQ / 'el chaH 'e' lupoQ} "In the name / Of Molor
the Mighty, / Demanding to get in." (paq'batlh)
* {vaj pa' SaH chaH / qamchIy lojmItmeyDaq / 'el chaH 'e' luqap} "So there
they are, / At Qam-Chee's gates, / Demanding to get in." (paq'batlh)

This one is from a deleted scene, but was written by Okrand:
* {tlhIngan wo' Daq'a' bo'elpu'!} "You have entered the jurisdiction of the
Klingon Empire." (Star Trek 2009, deleted scene)

{'el} also occurs in Hamlet's famous soliquy. I won't post it since it's
not canon.

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