[tlhIngan Hol] the different meanings of {qeq}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 09:17:10 PDT 2019

The verb {qeq} is given as "practice, train, prepare".

If I say {moQbara' vIqeq}, then what does it mean ?

"I practice mok'bara" as in "I practice karate" (that is "I know how
it's done") ?

"I practice mok'bara" as in "I'm training so that I'll become better" ?

"I train mok'bara" as in "I grabbed the mok'bara and I caused it to train" ?

"I prepare mok'bara" as in "I grabbed the mok'bara and I'm getting it
ready for something" ?

~ jkkhjhj

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