[tlhIngan Hol] yong and yongHa'

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 04:17:57 PDT 2019

We have the verb {yong} meaning "get in".

I can say {juH vIyong} without *having* to write {juHDaq vIyong}, since
that would be redundant. It wouldn't be wrong. Just redundant.

Suppose now, I want to say "I get out of the house", and suppose that I
want to use {yongHa'}.

Do I write {juH vIyongHa'} or {juHvo' jIyongHa'} ?

I tend toward the {juHvo' jIyongHa'}, since {juH vIyongHa'} sounds like "I
get out the house".

But since I'm not sure, if someone could clarify this, it would be great.

~ gkkhkh
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