[tlhIngan Hol] With trembling hands they offered..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 11:34:40 PDT 2019

SaD law'qu' DIS ret..

Humanpu'vaD, Qun 'oH vIghro' tIQ'e'..

meqvammo', 'Impey'mey qoDDaq, vIghro' tIQ tlhopDaq, tor Hoch, 'ej 'oHvaD maHpInmey tInqu' nIm lunob.

'ej nImvam lunobtaHvIS, vIghro' tIQ lubamvIpmo', jeltaH ghopDu'chaj..

DaH, Dorpu' bovmeyvam Dun.

'a, 'unwatDajDaq, QongtaHvIS vIghro' tIQ, ngay' jajmeyvam naj.

vaj, DaH, maQongnIS je..

(and this is the side-effect of learning klingon..)

~ khhkkh

ghoS vIghro'oy vIghro'oy

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