[tlhIngan Hol] I found the coolest symbol for..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 03:08:27 PDT 2019

chaq, 'op nuvpu' QeHmoH QInvam.

'ej chaq, QInvam vIngeHbe'nIS, 'ach tuSovbej.. jI'omlaHbe'.

vaj, QInvam yIlaDQo' ! vaj, delete yI'wIv !


'op ben, wa' De'wI' Quj tu'lu'. QujvamvaD heretic ponglu', 'ej wa' trident 'oH DeghDaj'e'.

wa'Hu', jIghItlh:

wa' ' uSgheb mojnIS rttp Degh..

'ach wIv nIv tu'lu':

trident 'uchbogh wa' 'uSgheb'e' !!!

'ej *trident*vam 'uch 'uSghebvam pachDu' !!!



jIQoS, 'ej jItlhIj. jItuH.. 'ach pIch vIghajbe'..

tlhIHvaD jIjatlhbe'pu''a' : QInvam yIlaDQo' ?

vaj, qatlh bolaDta' ?

~ ggkgkh

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