[tlhIngan Hol] pseudo-Klingon words from the paq'batlh

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 10:44:23 PDT 2019

> mu' mughlu'bogh DapoQpu'be'. pong'e'
> qollu'bogh DaneH. roD pongmey
> lumughlu'be', 'e' Dalaj'a'?
> ...pagh...
> mughnIS 'e' vay' 'e' Daqapchugh, vaj cha''e'
> DapoQtaH.

cha'balwIj DaDelHa'chu'.
You are twisting my intent.

wa' pong vImughmeH, wa' mughchu'ghach vIpoQpu'.

I requested one word to describe one name.

'ach Daj..
but this is interesting..

wa' Hol chenmoHlu'ta'bogh tu'lu'. Holvam ghoj wa' vIlle'.. wa' mu' poQ, 'ej
luHIv 'op nuv.. Holvam vIghojmo', jItlhIjnIS je ? yIjatlh 'e' yImev,
yIpoQQo'; mu'meyvam vIQoynIStaH'a' ?

there is a constructed language, a fan learns it, and because he requests
for a word, he's being attacked..

Do I need to apologise too for learning this language ? Or do I need to be
hearing "shut up, don't ask" ?

'ach QuchchoHchugh 'op nuv, vaj qay'be'. jaSHa' taHjaj.

but if it makes some people happy, then no problem. bring it on.

~ hkhkhk
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