[tlhIngan Hol] Haw' without the "getting out"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 24 06:26:44 PDT 2019

On 7/24/2019 8:24 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> If we say {juHvamvo' jIHaw'}, the "getting out" carries a sense of 
> urgency.
> But lets see it in reverse. Can I say {jIHaw'} without the "I flee", 
> carrying with it a sense of "getting out" ?
> And to say an example..
> There is a person in the middle of the desert. He's not in a 
> house/tent/oasis whatever.
> A second person arrives, and causes the first one to flee, but this 
> first person doesn't leave the desert. He flees to another location, 
> which is still in the same desert.
> Can we say {nuv cha'DIchmo' Haw'pu' nuv wa'DIch} ?
> Or since the first person, didn't get out of a place, we can't use 
> {Haw'} ?

Fleeing, and *Haw',* aren't about going into or out of any particular 
place. They're about withdrawing from some situation.

*nuv cha'DIchmo' Haw'pu' nuv wa'DIch*/The first person fled because of 
the second person.
/*nuv cha'DIchvo' Haw'pu' nuv wa'DIch*/The first person fled from the 
second person.
/*Qobvo' Haw'pu' nuv wa'DIch*/The first person fled from danger./
//*latlh Deb DaqDaq Haw'pu' nuv wa'DIch*/The first person fled to 
another desert location./


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