[tlhIngan Hol] qogh

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Sun Jul 14 06:43:43 PDT 2019

Boundaries vary by perspective. I’d think of {teS} as all the parts that are mechanically or electrically engaged in the sensation of hearing, outside of the brain itself. {qogh} is the cosmetic part that can be bitten or chopped off in battle, and serves no acoustic purpose beyond reflecting and shaping sound pressures before they reach the {teS}, so I would consider the middle ear to be part of {teS}.


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> On Jul 13, 2019, at 8:48 PM, Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> wrote:
>> On Jul 13, 2019, at 10:16, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Could someone use {qogh} to describe the whole ear, i.e. outer ear *and* inner ear too ?
> This makes me wonder whether the middle ear is considered part of the {qogh}, the {teS}, or something else. When I think of {teS} I think of the cochlea, the eardrum, and the tiny little bones whose names I forget, and when I think of {qogh} I think of the part that a barber needs to trim around on the sides of the head, but the ear canal doesn’t seem to really be part of either of those things.
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