[tlhIngan Hol] pIlmoHmeH mu'mey

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 04:20:15 PDT 2019

mu'meyvam Dajatlhchugh, vaj ngoQlIj Dachav net pIHbej. vaj, bISuv. bISuv, bISuvqa', 'ej ghIq bISuvqa'. bIbupbe', poHlIj Dalo'Ha'be' jay', 'ej bItaH.

chaq QatlhchoH ghu', chaq Qatlhqu'choH Hoch, 'ach b-I-b-u-p-b-e-' jay'. qatlh ?

bIbup; reH wanI'vam luneHbogh nuvpu' tu'lu'. vaj, nuvpu'vam tIQuchmoHQo'.

vaj, bIqap'. bIqapqa'. bIqapqu'taH jay', vabDot bIQIlchoHtaHvIS bIqap.

pagh Doghjey. Dajeylu' not 'e' Dachaw'.

bIluj; wanI'vam luneHbogh petaQpu' DaQuchHa'moHpa', bImevbe'.


bIluj 'e' lupIH 'op nuv. 'ej muj nuvpu'vam 'e' DatobtaHvIS, vaj Dunbejbogh vay' Dachav. 'ej qo'vamDaq, vay'vam bel Dun law' Hoch Dun puS.

When you say you'll accomplish something, then you better succeed. You fight, you persist, you force yourself against all odds.

And unless you make unhappy the motherfrackers who want you to fail, you don't stop.


Because in this world, there is no greater pleasure, than proving wrong the people who expect you to fail.

'ej tagha', bIQapchu'taHvIS, vaj QeHchaj DamumchoH, ngugh bItlhoj: 'ey wejwa'vam; na'ran rur. wejwa'vam rurlaH pagh latlh wejwa'..

There's no sweeter taste, than the taste of their anger, when they realize that eventually you managed to succeed.

~ hkhkhk
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