[tlhIngan Hol] pseudo-Klingon words from the paq'batlh

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jul 3 08:04:27 PDT 2019

On 7/3/2019 10:39 AM, nIqolay Q wrote:
> For marking "unofficial" transliterations, my preference is towards 
> /italics/, _underlining_, or _underscores_, depending on what your 
> text editor can get away with. *mu'tlheghmeyvaD moHqu' DujtlhuQHom 
> ngutlh 'e' vIQub!*

jIQochbe': moHbej.

toH, chaq qaq wa' nungbogh yamtaw:

    tagha' mob _Hu'rIn. yoDDaj woH 'ej 'obmaQ Qach; cha' ghop lo'.
    bomlu' 'ej jatlhlu' _ghatlhmagh /troll/ 'avwI'pu' 'Iw qIjDaq tlhIch
    ghIt 'obmaQ. raghpu'pa' 'oH, HoHDI' _Hu'rIn, reH jach; jatlh «/Aurë
    entuluva!/ cheghbej jaj!» SochmaHlogh mu'tlheghvetlh jach. tagha'
    ghaH jonlu'. yIjon 'ach yIHoHQo' jatlhpu' _morghatlh. _Hu'rIn
    lu'uchmeH ghopDu'chaj lo' /orcs./ DeSchaj pe' ghaH 'ej chev, vabDot
    lu'uchtaH ghopmeyvetlh. reH vI' /orcs./ tagha' Dojmey bIngDaq pum ghaH.


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