[tlhIngan Hol] pseudo-Klingon words from the paq'batlh
sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Jul 2 07:23:15 PDT 2019
On 7/2/2019 9:35 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> *You* (plural "you") have taught me this language, and*you* have
> taught me to follow the rules. Perhaps you created a monster. But it's
> the way*you* taught me, so deal with it.
There's following the rules, and then there's understanding why the
rules exist.
The rule for this list is not to transliterate names without some sort
of hint to the reader that that's what you've done. This rule exists
because this list has an educational aspect to it, and someone learning
the language and coming across a phrase like *yeSu QIStoS* might
uselessly search through lists of vocabulary trying to find what this
means. And the only reason we need the rule is because you can't
capitalize Klingon to show what is a proper noun.
The rule is /not/ that you can't transliterate names into Klingon. You
clearly can. Understand what a transliteration is. It's not a vocabulary
word. It's a foreign word that someone has changed to make it fit better
with the sounds or writing system of the target language. Okrand does
this all the time. **qIrq** is not a Klingon word or name, whether I
show it in Klingon pronunciation like that. But when a Klingon
pronounces it, it's going to sound like *qIrq.* Remember, the writing
system we use is how Klingons /pronounce/ words, not how they write them.
Imagine someone were translating a story from Chinese to English. They
translate all the words and write them in Latin characters, but they
keep Chinese characters for all the names. Who does that? If you didn't
read Chinese, you couldn't even guess at how the names sounded.
So feel free to transliterate names in your own translations. Or don't.
Names foreign to your language are often difficult to pronounce, even if
you use the same script. Welsh names are famously difficult for English
speakers to pronounce, but that doesn't mean that every Welsh name is
transliterated into English when you're translating from Welsh to English.
But if you choose not to transliterate, don't over-punctuate the names.
They're obviously foreign; there's no need to mark them.
*tagha' mob Húrin. yoDDaj woH 'ej 'obmaQ Qach; cha' ghop lo'. bomlu'
'ej jatlhlu' Gothmog /troll/ 'avwI'pu' 'Iw qIjDaq tlhIch ghIt
'obmaQ. raghpu'pa' 'oH, HoHDI' Húrin, reH jach; jatlh «/Aurë
entuluva!/ cheghbej jaj!» SochmaHlogh mu'tlheghvetlh jach. tagha'
ghaH jonlu'. yIjon 'ach yIHoHQo' jatlhpu' Morgoth. Húrin lu'uchmeH
ghopDu'chaj lo' Orcpu'. DeSchaj pe' ghaH 'ej chev, vabDot lu'uchtaH
ghopmeyvetlh. reH vI' Orcpu'. tagha' Dojmey bIngDaq pum ghaH.*
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