[tlhIngan Hol] The "need to be willing" problem
RE Andeen
eric.andeen at outlook.com
Wed Jan 23 01:39:37 PST 2019
net poQ
> On Jan 23, 2019, at 12:56 AM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been wondering lately, how to express something like "you need to
> be willing to analyze this situation".
> Normally I would write {ghu'vam DapojnISqang}, but of course since
> {-nIS} and {-qang} can't co-exist, its out of the question.
> So, I thought of writing {ghu'vam DapojmeH yIpojqang} for "in order to
> analyze this situation, be willing to analyze it". Granted,
> meaning-wise, its not *exactly* the same as the intended "you need to
> be willing to analyze this situation", but I think its pretty close.
> Does anyone have a better idea ?
> And by saying "better" I mean truly better; I'm not asking for
> arguments "klingons wouldn't say that", or crap like "re-phrase
> everything, and leave it to context".
> If someone wants to go from new york to los angeles, he goes from new
> york to los angeles; perhaps he will stop somewhere in between, but he
> certainly won't go through china.
> ~ mayqel *I love maltz* qunen'oS
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