[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ghang

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 09:54:47 PST 2019

Well, if {ghang} means to end prematurely, {ghangwI'} means something
like "terminator".  Terminator in English has a different astronomical
meaning, though.
On the other hand the horizon is the premature end of the visible part
of the land you are on, isn't it?
Or maybe, "the premature end" is just the meaning we have been given
so far, and e.g. in astronomy {ghang} has a specialized meaning we can
only speculate about.

On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 3:26 PM Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, January 16, 2019
> Klingon word: ghang
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: end prematurely (an event, voyage, battle, play, opera, story, song, etc.)
> Source: HQ:v12n2p8
> _______________________________________________
>   DIvI' rojmab qep ghanglu' 'e' nIDlu', 'ach taH qep.
>   Despite efforts to halt them, peace talks with Federation continue. MKE
> (HQ 12.2:8):  Another verb, {ghang}, is used to express the idea of a premature ending. If, using the same examples, the voyage is cut short or the song is interrupted before the final part is sung, one would say:
>    {leng [lu]ghangDI' SuvwI'pu' 'IQ chaH}
>        "When the warriors end the voyage prematurely, they are sad." [sic! {lu-} omitted]
>    {bom [lu]ghangDI' SuvwI'pu' tlhutlh chaH}
>        "When the warriors end the song prematurely, they drink." [sic! {lu-} omitted]
> Note that the voyage and the song cannot end themselves. Someone has to end them. ... There is a difference between the end of the performance of a song or opera or play, indicated by  making use of the verbs {van} and {ghang}, and the ending, or final portion, of a song or opera or play itself. For an opera, play, story, speech, and so on, the final portion is its {bertlham}.
> PUN:
>  "The Gong Show" (Chuck Barris' U.S. TV show).  Many of those acts were ended prematurely when one of the judges struck a gong.
> Dor             end (v)
> qIl             cancel (v)
> van             end [an event] (v)
> ta'             accomplish, do (v)
> N.B.  {ghangwI'} "horizon" (n) seems not to be related to {ghang} despite what appears to be the V9 nomen agentis suffix {-wI'}.  Could this be evidence of an unknown or obsolete homophonous verb?  Can anyone think of another example containing *{wI'} meaning something other than "one who is/does, thing which is/does" or "my (capable of using language)"?
> --
> Voragh
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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Luciano Montanaro

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