[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: lol

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 28 07:09:42 PST 2019

Klingon Word of the Day for Thursday, February 28, 2019

Klingon word: lol
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a specific position in the martial arts form Mok'bara
Source: HQ 11.2

(HQ 11.2):  The verb {lol} is also used frequently when talking about martial arts.  In fact, there is a noun {lol} that refers to a specific position in the martial arts form Mok'bara. 

mI' 		do martial arts movements/calisthenics; dance, run in place; exercise (v)

lol  		be in an attitude (i.e. aircraft); be in a stance/pose (i.e. people or animals) (v)
  qughmeH Duj vIlolmoH 
  I put the vessel in the attitude for cruise (or cruising). [HQ 11.2]

  DuHIvmeH SuvwI' lol ghaH 
  the warrior is in a stance to attack you [HQ 11.2]

(HQ 11.2):  The attitude of a plane is its orientation relative to something, such as the {ghangwI'} "horizon".  […]  Weirdly, although Maltz said he knew of no noun meaning attitude, the noun {lol} may show up in {lolSeHcha} "attitude control thrusters".  […]  The attitude of an aircraft is often talked about in terms of angles. The word for angle is {tajvaj}. Klingon {taH} means "be at a negative angle".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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