[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing "minimum price"

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 28 06:40:59 PST 2019

Luciano and SuStel have already made their suggestions.  I wanted to look at how {rav} “floor” and {‘aqroS} “(interior) top” have been used in the sense of minimum and maximum:

   Hung buv rav:  patlh Hut
   classified level 9 and above (KBoP)

   nen rav:  chorgh ben
   ages 8 to adult (MKE)

  QujwI' ghom rav:  cha';  'aqroS:  jav
   2 to 6 players (MKE)

   'aqroS qughDo:  pIvlob Hut vI' vagh
   maximum cruising speed – warp 9.5 (KBoP)

  jabbI'ID pup:  Qapchu'meH 'aqroS chuq:  cha' vI' chorgh loghqammey
   high resolution - maximum effective range - 3.5 light years  (KBoP)

Interestingly none of these are full sentences, merely brief “A: B” statements – like you would find in a parts list or a series of reminders.


From: mayqel qunen'oS
I was wondering how to say "In order to buy this ancient cat, you need at least a thousand euros", needing to express the "at least".   The only way I can think of, is saying something like:

{vIghro'vam tIQ Daje'meH, rav DIlmeH Huch DanobnIS. wa'SaD euro 'oH DIlmeH Huchvam'e'}
"This ancient cat in order to buy, you need to give a price of minimum. this price is a thousand euros"

Can someone think of something better ?

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