[tlhIngan Hol] Out of curiosity..

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Feb 22 07:44:01 PST 2019

On 2/22/2019 10:40 AM, Lieven L. Litaer wrote:
> Am 22.02.2019 um 16:33 schrieb Will Martin:
>> You can start a cell with an apostrophe in Excel by starting it with 
>> TWO apostrophes. The second one shows.
> Yes, I figured that out already, but that's very annoying if you like 
> to make words lists for Klingon vocabulary. It has happened more than 
> once that words lost their apostophe due to this reason.

I still find myself replacing lost apostrophes for this very reason.

An apostrophe at the beginning of a cell is treated as a special control 
character that forces the rest of the contents of the cell to be read 
literally, not interpreted. For instance, something that looks like a 
date but isn't can be forced to keep its correct form instead of being 
converted into a date.


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