[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing "as if nothing happened"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Feb 15 09:10:38 PST 2019

On 2/15/2019 12:04 PM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> Or you could replace the first {‘e’} with a noun:  { chomaghta' ‘ej 
> ta’lIj / ta’vam vIlIj ‘e’ DapIH'a'? }  I also like that the verb 
> suffix {-ta’} is echoed by the noun {ta’}.

*maghta'ghachlIj vIlIj 'e' DapIH'a'?*

You just lose the "of me" part of the betrayal. Presumably it would be 
understood in context. If not, you could put the *chomaghta'* as a 
separate sentence first.

There is no rule barring multiply connected sentences-as-objects, but 
there's no evidence for them either.


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