[tlhIngan Hol] finer shades of perfective aspect

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Thu Feb 28 07:44:13 PST 2019

ghItlh mayqel qunen'oS:

> And being on the subject, I find it irritating (to put it mildly),
> that while we *do* have words for the "brother's sister's daughter's
> son in law, of the illegitimate brother of the second alien, who
> happened to orbit kronos on the day three dogs were in heat", but we
> can't differentiate between a tendon and a ligament, since we have the
> same word for both of them..

I find that most lay people don't know the difference anyway.  I'm satisfied calling them Hom to'waQ and Somraw to'waQ even though they both attach to a bone at at least one end.  Heck, I would even accept to'waQ for fascia, but I haven't settled definitively on a term - maybe qatbogh to'waQ?

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