[tlhIngan Hol] negating adverbials

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Mon Feb 25 11:42:53 PST 2019

> On Feb 25, 2019, at 08:34, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you repeat the intended meaning, for which
> you would like to hear suggestions ?

{reH qaSbe'}
Intended meaning - “it didn’t always happen”
{tlhoy nI'be' HaSta tavam 'e' vItul}
Intended meaning - “I hope this visual record isn’t too long”

> On Feb 25, 2019, at 13:04, Will Martin <willmartin2 at mac.com> wrote:
> You are working really hard to avoid using the adverbial word {rut}...

Not at all. My recast with {pIj}, which I used mere seconds after the original gaffe with {reH}, conveys the meaning I intended *for this particular utterance* better than {rut}, but I have no problems with {rut}. The problem is that I had already said {reH} even though I didn’t actually mean it. So to backtrack and explain that I didn’t actually mean {reH}, in the moment I said {reH qaSbe'}, then issued a corrected sentence using {pIj} instead. I don’t advocate saying {reH qaSbe'} in general; it’s just what I happened to say, and I’m aware that it stands on shaky ground.

If I had written down what I was going to say before I said it, I certainly wouldn’t have said {reH} to begin with, so the problem wouldn’t be there at all. This isn’t about me not wanting to use a perfectly good word that exists; it’s about me making an error during extemporaneous speech, realizing the error immediately, but not being sure how best to correct it during the same instant of extemporaneous speech, and then being curious after the fact about how to negate adverbs more generally. If you watch the video you’ll hear me groan and then hem and haw for a while right after I say {reH}. (I hem and haw a lot during the video, which would have happened less, or not at all, if I had done any sort of preparation for it whatsoever, but I didn’t want to spend more than ten minutes making it.)

Also, I still haven’t thought of a satisfactory solution to the second sentence which I ended up rendering as {tlhoy nI'be' HaSta tavam 'e' vItul}. Maybe since what I’m really hoping is that it isn’t perceived as too long, {tlhoy nI' HaSta tavam 'e' boHarbe' 'e' vItul} would have been the way to go.
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