[tlhIngan Hol] negating adverbials

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Sun Feb 24 18:13:02 PST 2019

This has probably been asked many times before, but I’m going to ask…

How does one negate an adverbial like {reH} or {tlhoy}?

While writing closed captions for a video I recently recorded [1], I realized that I apparently tried to do this by negating the verb, but I have no idea if that actually works. The two examples where it came up were:

{reH qaSbe'}
{tlhoy nI'be' HaSta tavam 'e' vItul}

The intended meanings were “It didn’t always happen” and “I hope this visual record is not too long”, respectively, but upon review, it seems like out of context (maybe even in context) they mean “it always didn’t happen” and “I hope this visual record is too not long”, respectively.

So… what would have been the right way to say those things? Or is this another thing we don’t know yet?

[1] https://youtu.be/-fig0BJloKA - I know there are a lot of mistakes in it, but I recorded it completely on the fly and in one take. reH latlh qabDaa qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS. I was inspired by DeSDu', who made this great video: https://youtu.be/terzWQPPkf0
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