[tlhIngan Hol] Asking "why do I need to be there ?"

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Fri Feb 22 13:05:39 PST 2019

Am 22.02.2019 um 20:12 schrieb SuStel:
> On 2/22/2019 2:07 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
>> So, I think that choosing to ask by saying {qatlh pa' jIHnIS} or 
>> {qatlh pa' jIHnIStaH} is a valid option.

I don't like using too many suffixes on a pronoun either.

So I would also suggest using averb. Using verbs is always good in 
Klingon, no matter how. If I needed to translate sucha thing, I would 
use a verb, and go like
{qatlh pa' jIHtaH net poQ/ra'/thlob?}
or even, depending on context:
{qatlh pa' jIratlhnIS?}
and so on

Isn't there anyone here who speaks arabic, or a different languages that 
has not to-be verb? That would interesting to find out how they do that.

> I prefer to use *-taH* when I'm talking about a movable object that may 
> just happen to be somewhere at the moment, but not to use *-taH* when 
> the object is fixed.

I also follow that system.
(maybe even following your "suggestion" many years ago.)

> But this is not an official rule and cannot be consistently 
> demonstrated in the canon.

Indeed not constantly, but at least we have {nuqDaq 'oH Qe' QaQ'e'} vs 
{pa'Daq jIHtaH}, which is a good basis to follow.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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