[tlhIngan Hol] Out of curiosity..

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Fri Feb 22 06:09:15 PST 2019

> On Feb 22, 2019, at 07:55, Will Martin <willmartin2 at mac.com> wrote:
> As fans, we can play around with stuff, and I think that’s great. We have a pIqaD alphabet that was not initially approved, and then Skybox came along and now it’s official (I guess). 

The Skybox pIqaD system has no resemblance to KLI pIqaD other than some of the letters looking the same (but representing different sounds). I think the Skybox pIqaD system only has something like 10 distinct characters, each of them being used to represent multiple letters. I say letters and not sounds because things like tlh got written out as either skybox t + skybox l + skybox H or skybox t + skybox l or skybox t + skybox H.

The triangles for punctuation convention did originate with the skybox cards, however.

If anything, maybe the use of a font based on KLI pIqaD on-screen in Star Trek Discovery makes KLI pIqaD somewhat official, but that’s Star Trek official and not Marc Okrand official, since those are two different things.

What Okrand says about pIqaD is that little is known about it, except that it’s not an alphabet. Yet KLI pIqaD is precisely that, so it’s clearly not what Okrand had in mind. We still use and enjoy it, though.

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