[tlhIngan Hol] <<vIHwI'>> Daj vIbejta'

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Thu Feb 21 07:11:50 PST 2019

wa’Hu’ <<vIHwI’>> vIbej. Daj.

jatlhDI’ DoyIchlangan Hol lo’ DawI’pu’. HaSta bIS’ubDaq ‘amerI’qa’ngan Hol cha’lu’.

QoylaHbe’ ‘op DawI’pu’. DoyIchlangan ghop Hol lo’ DawI’pu’vam ‘ej DawI’pu’vam ja'bogh latlh’e'.

‘amerI’qa’ngan pong ‘oH <<“Beyond” tamchu’ghach>>. DoyIchlangan pong ‘oH <<tamchu’ghach “the” latlh Dop>>’e'. 

I don’t know a way to designate the difference in meaning between “the other side” and “another side” without explicitly describing that there are only two sides, and this is the other one, and that difference is a big deal in this title, since “another side of silence” implies silence, while “the other side of silence” is intended to mean that silence is a boundary, and this is about passing through that boundary into a place that is not silent, which explains the English title.

And on a totally different topic:

I just read that Agatha Christie’s novels have been translated into more languages than any other novelist, and that there have been more copies published than any other literature, except for the Bible and Shakespeare.

Hmmm. Is there a language that her works have not been translated into that leaves a gaping hole in the balance of the Universe?

Murder mysteries. Schemes. Passions.

I think the world needs an HPKTP. Hercule Poirot Klingon Translation Project.

Anybody need a new mission in life?

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

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