[tlhIngan Hol] tuQ and tuQmoH difference

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Feb 19 06:35:14 PST 2019

On 2/19/2019 9:32 AM, SuStel wrote:
>     *tuQ*/wear (clothes)
>     /*tuQHa'moH*/undress
>     /*tuQmoH*/put on (clothes)/
> *HIpwIj vItuQ'eghmoH*/I put on my uniform; I cause myself to wear my 
> uniform
> /*puqwI'vaD HIp vItuQmoH*/I dress my child in the uniform; I cause my 
> child to wear the uniform
> /*HIpwIj vItuQHa''eghmoH*/I take off my uniform; I cause myself to 
> un-wear my uniform
> /*puqwI'vaD HIp vItuQHa'moH*/I take my child's uniform off of him/her; 
> I cause my child to un-wear the uniform/
By the way, that /undress/ translation is simply what you get when you 
don't specify the clothing: *puqwI' vItuQHa'moH*/I undress my child; I 
cause my child to un-wear (unspecified clothing)./


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