[tlhIngan Hol] nuqDaq HolQeDmey bopol?

Lawrence M. Schoen klingonguy at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 08:32:17 PST 2019

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 11:24 AM Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> wrote:

> *As a KLI member, it seems I have access to digital copies of HolQeD, but
> only volume 14 seems to be available. Physical copies are available for
> purchase, but only for certain issues, mostly newer ones. Is there any plan
> to make the rest of the HolQeD back catalog available (either for free to
> members or for purchase), preferably in digital format? I’d prefer digital
> since I don’t relish the thought of dedicating space to storing 14 years of
> HolQeDmey that I won’t be looking at all that often, and I’d like to be
> able to search them.*

This has been the plan for quite some time now.

The good news is that some recently acquired software is making this a
reality! Volume One is almost ready for beta-testing (if that's the right
term), and once we iron out a few particulars I imagine they'll begin
coming out in a slow but regular trickle.
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