[tlhIngan Hol] ghop-Hol ngoD chu' vIghoj.
Will Martin
willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Feb 15 14:08:58 PST 2019
I’m rusty. Likely, I’ve erred in the following, but I’m pushing my limits to regain some of my skills.
DaHjaj ngoD Daj vIghoj, ghop Hol vIHaDtaHvIS. [Relative Pronoun] Hutlh ‘amerI’qa’ngan ghop Hol. [Relative Pronoun] Hutlh tlhIngan Hol je, ‘ach Hol janmey pIm lo’ Holmeyvam.
mu’ ‘ay’ {-bogh} lo’ tlhIngan Hol net Sov. cha’ mu’tlhegh lo’ ghop Hol. tlhobmeH mu’tlhegh le’ ‘oH wa’DIch’e'. jangmeH mu’tlhegh ‘oH cha’DIch’e'.
jatlh tlhIngan <<nuv Damaghta’be’bogh vIDa>>. jatlh ghop Hol lo’wI' <<‘Iv Damaghta’be’? nuvvetlh vIDa.>>
tlhobmeH mu’tlheghvam le'vaD [Rhetorical Question] pong ghop Hol jatlhwI’pu'.
roD <<‘Iv>> DajatlhDI' (ghopDu’ Dalo’taHvIS), pepHa’ Huy’Du’lIj. [pepHa’ Huy’Du’] <<chab neH ‘Iv?>>
tlhobmeH mu'tlheghlIj janglaHchugh <<HIja’/ghobe’>>, jatlhDI’ ghop Hol jatlhwI’, pep Huy’Du’Daj. [pep Huy’Du’] <<chab DaneH’a’?>>
<<Rhetorical Question>> jatlhDI' (ghopDu’ Dalo’taHvIS), pep Huy’Du’.
Daj Holvam.
charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan
rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.
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