[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'Imyagh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 13 07:07:27 PST 2019

Klingon word: 'Imyagh
Part of speech: excl
Definition: sound made by a vIghro' or ghISnar
Source: qep'a' 24 [2017]

(qep'a' 2017):  This is an imitative word and there are variations.  And not everyone uses it in the first place.

(qurgh, 7/29/2017):  The cat said, "meow".  Marc said yes.  The cat meowed as I walked by. Marc said no. 
[Okrand] said these are words that described the sounds that the animals make.  They are pretty much onomatopoeias of the animals' noises.

When Klingon women are ready to mate they slink around like a "Hellenian lynx" while making low growling sounds like a {chemvaH} in heat. (PK) 

Is a {chemvaH} a type of feline like a lynx -- Hellenian or otherwise?

ghugh 		vocalize [by animals] (v)
Huy 		hum, purr (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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