[tlhIngan Hol] L'Rell's treaty [minor SPOILERS included]
Lieven L. Litaer
levinius at gmx.de
Wed Feb 13 03:11:17 PST 2019
I have just deciphered L'Rell's treaty she was forced to sign in episode
2.03 of DSC. Some of the letters were very hard to read, others almost
entirely covered.
You may go to the Klingon wiki if you like to make corrections on it.
See: http://www.klingonwiki.net/En/DSC203
Here's what I could make of it:
1 qaStaHvIS During
2 [moHDu']wIj 'ej my [...] and
3 [mot]taHvIS yaQwIj, while my [yaQ?] [...]
4 QInvam vIqonlI' jIH , I am writing this message,
5 mo'qay tuq lIr'el . L'Rell from the house of Mokai.
6 qeylIS Say' vItoy'meH In oder to serve the clean Kahless
7 DaH quS'a' SeQvo' now from the formal chair
8 mu[ghe]' Qu'wIj. my task [...] me.
9 ghItlhvammo' Due to this manuscript
10 jIche'Ha'choHchu'qu' I step back entirely from my governing
11 vaj gheS qor tuq so the duty can be taken over by the house of Kor's
12 ghubDaQ qol. firstborn Kol.
13 meQchoHta' tIquvma T'Kuvma has burned (?)
14 lumeQnISmoHtaH they must carry on burning him (?)
15 Dat tlhInganpu' . Klingons of everywhere.
16 DaH Sech vInob . I now give the torch.
17 qI'meH 'Iw lo'lu' , Blood is used to sign,
18 [lIr'el] mo'qay, [L'rell] Mokai,
19 [xxxx]'a' ??
Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
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