[tlhIngan Hol] Klingons and the Klingon language on Discovery Season 2

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 08:27:01 PST 2019

I don't think it's spoiling anything to reveal that the Klingons are back
(since that's in all the ads and trailers, and should be obvious to anyone
who watched Season 1).

But in case anyone is trying to decide whether to watch Season 2, it seems
like there's going to be a lot less Klingon language this season, if that's
your reason for watching.

It's only 3 episodes in, but there are no Klingon subtitles on the
episodes. (I mean on Netflix, which had them in Season 1. CBS never had
them to begin with, and still don't.) Furthermore, they've decided to do
the cinematic thing where Klingons will start speaking in Klingon during a
scene (with English subtitles), and switch to English mid-sentence with the
understanding that the audience can hear in their own language through
cinematic magic. So whenever there's a gathering of Klingons, instead of
entire scenes in Klingon, it's just the opening sentences now.

It was a very common complaint among casual viewers of Season 1 that there
was too much spoken Klingon, that the spoken Klingon was stilted and slow,
and that the actors couldn't emote properly through makeup. Not among
Klingon speakers, of course. Clearly, the show runners made the changes
they did to address that complaint. I think it was the right choice from
the perspective of making the dialogue involving Klingons easier to follow
for a general audience. Of course, it's unfortunate from our point of view
as Klingon speakers that this means less spoken Klingon on the show.

Slightly off-topic, but so far they've also addressed the questions of why
Klingons were bald in Season 1, and why their ship aesthetics looked so
different than what we saw in the TOS era. So the show runners are trying
very hard to respond to the complaints of the fan base about Klingons on
the show (and maybe even trying too hard).

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