[tlhIngan Hol] Can I say maQeHchuqchoHmoH ?

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Feb 1 05:19:23 PST 2019

Let me paint a scenario for you.

You and I are at a fancy Ferengi bar. You’ve had a rough day. Your disrupter fizzled in the middle of battle, right as you were aiming for the leader of your enemy this morning. He got away. You came home and found your wife having an affair with a Romulan. Your kids don’t respect you. You came here to sulk and get drunk.

You’ve succeeded in getting drunk enough to be somewhat unstable while walking. You trip and spill romulan ale all over your new Sarq skin boots with fur lining. You hadn’t gotten around to oiling them yet, so they are ruined. They cost you a month’s pay. You are displeased.

You look up and see that I am laughing at you. You’re the funniest thing I've seen in the past year. You are angry and I am not.

You walk up to me and punch me in the face. I’m pretty tough, so I don’t mind it much, and I understand. That’s a reasonable response. But I also have been drinking a bit, so your punch made me stagger backwards three steps.

Unfortunately, I was two steps away from the huge, decorative, spiral staircase leading down to the dance floor. There is no landing; just three stories of spiraling steps, 20 feet wide. I’m rolling down the stairway. My disruptor goes one way. My favorite ruby encrusted dagger flings off another way. My betleH flings itself out, impaling the wall 20’ off the floor. There’s no way I’ll get that back.

Kathump, kathump, kathump, kathump, sliiiiiiiiiiide. I knock several dancers down as I sweep across the slick floor, through the crowd.

The band stops. The hush falls across the crowd. The only sound in the room is you, laughing. Now, I am angry and you are not.


We have each changed the state of anger of the other.

It doesn’t matter what the state of anger is. The important part of this statement is the change that we have caused.

Is THAT what you really want to convey with the statement, or are you trying to convey the very different idea that we cause each other to be angry? It’s not the same thing.

charghwI’ ‘utlh

> On Jan 31, 2019, at 2:17 PM, mayqel qunenoS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> SuStel:
> > I don't see any reason why not. Do you see some reason 
> > why you can't?
> I was confused by the co-existence of {-chuq} together with {-moH}; I was under the impression that by the use of {-moH} we absolutely had to have an object.
> Anyway, I understand now, thanks. And yes, you were right. My intention was indeed to say "we get each other into an  angry state".
> ~ mayqel *I love maltz* qunen'oS
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