[tlhIngan Hol] DISvam chabal tetlh

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Wed Feb 13 07:53:23 PST 2019

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 9:27 AM SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> Now it's purely about whether you spend money. If it's meant to drive up
> KLI membership, what's the point? Okay, you paid for a membership and now
> you can get your words, and that membership gives you... well, about as
> much as it did before. Getting your words isn't a perk of membership; it's
> the *point* of membership. Which means it's still a pay-for-access scheme.
Membership also gives access to a complete Klingon language course that has
been proven to teach to a level to allow someone to easily pass the KLCP
level 1 test. For you that's not a big deal, but for a new student it is
very useful. That's what the majority of people join for right now.
There's also the free copies of HolQeD and an ebook (with plans for more).
Membership also support helps support the qep'a' as well as future
translations like the Art of War.

To me, the point of membership is to be a member of an organization that
works to spread something I love. I want to see the KLI succeed, that's why
I donate my time and money to it, even when those things are in very
limited supply in my life.

In years past, non-KLI/guest members only got to vote in the first round,
with KLI Members having the final say. Now guest members (which is the 100%
free level) can vote on all the words, and will have a direct say in what
words get picked. There's far more input than in previous years. They can't
suggest as many, but suggestions were always supposed to be limited to a
few per person. You don't have to pay anything to access the system, but
you can pay to get access to more.

Last year, due to the massive list of suggestions from a very few non-KLI
Members we had to quickly come up with a new way to do things, which lead
to the comparison voting because the previous way of doing it couldn't
handle them all, however this meant that people with more free time had
more influence than those that didn't. It also sucked up a ton of volunteer
time and it wasn't a sustainable model. This year we are trying something

As charghwI' offered, I'm also willing to share my suggestions with others
(a couple of mine already came from other people), as I don't think I'll
come up with enough words.

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