[tlhIngan Hol] -moH on ghoS and jaH

Jeffrey Clark jmclark85 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 09:59:57 PST 2019

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 20, 2019, at 12:49, SuStel 
> We have exactly the same situation here. The (direct) object of ghoS is the path followed, not the person following it, so since the prefix qa- indicates a person, it must be indicating the indirect object. There's your prefix trick right there. DujDaq qaghoSmoH means In the ship, I cause you to go (along some unspecified path). It's ambiguous in the sentence whether you or I or both of us are in the ship, but you're not going to the ship. Going to the ship would be Duj qaghoSmoH or SoHvaD Duj vIghoSmoH.
I see. That makes sense. So in this case the “beneficiary” of the action (marked with -vaD) is made to go to the location (marked as the direct object). So it follows the same pattern as all the other -moH transitive verbs (don’t know why I overthought it).

So, something like: {quSDajDaq jagh yaSvaD bIghHa’ jaHmoH HoDma’} would be “From his chair, our captain made the enemy officer go to prision”?

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