[tlhIngan Hol] The significance of 'utlhwI'pu'

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 07:36:13 PST 2019

qen, naDev cheghta' charghwi', vaj mabelchoHpu'. qatlh mabelchoHpu' ?
qaStaHvIS DIS, naDev roD maja'chuq; qaStaHvIS jajmey HochHom
maja'chuq, vaj meqvammo' juppu' wey wImojpu'. Dachchugh vay', Dachmo'
chaq loQ ma'IQchoH, vaj cheghDI' maQuchchoH.

Recently, charghwI' returned, so we were pleased. Why were we pleased
? During the years, customarily here we talk to each other, so finally
we have become a company of friends. And, when one leaves, perhaps the
rest become slightly sad. So, as soon as he returns we all become
again happy.

cheghta' charghwI'; 'a wa' latlh meqmo', potlhqu' wanI'vam; vaj pelaDtaH jay' !
However, charghwI's return is important because of an additional
reason; so read on.

(tlhIngan Hol wIlo'taHvIS, reH qech QaQqu' 'oH wa' mu'qaD'e')
(while we're using klingon, cursing is always an excellent idea)

law'qu' Holmey lumutlhlu'ta'bogh; 'ej wa' 'oH tlhIngan Hol'e'
the constructed languages are many, and one of them is klingon

'a, tlhIngan Hol potlh law' Hoch potlh puS
but klingon is the most important one

vaj, DaH, chaq ghelqanglu'; chay' potlhqu'choHpu' tlhIngan Hol ? 'ej
chaq janglu', Hov lengmo'.. 'ach ghellu'meH, mu'meyvam lujatlhlu'chugh
Qaghlu'chu'.. Hov lengmo' noychoHpu' tlhIngan Hol; na'. 'ach tlhIngan
Hol Qapla' 'oHbe'bej Hov leng'e'..

So, now, perhaps someone is willing to ask; how has klingon become the
most important constructed language ? And perhaps someone in order to
reply will say "because of star trek". But if he replies by saying
those words, he will be totally mistaken. Because of star trek klingon
has become famous; it is certain. But the success of the klingon
language isn't star trek..

tlhIngan Hol lujatlhqangbogh nuvpu' 'oH tlhingan Hol Qapla''e'.
Klingon's success are the people who are willing to use it.

nuvpu'vam tu'be'lu'; net jalchugh, vaj tlhIngan Hol 'oH nuq'e' ?
What would klingon be without those people ?

pagh'e' !

'ach, nuvpu'vam tu'lu'meH, nuvpu'vamvaD tlhIngan Hol ghojnISmoHlu'.. 'utqu'..
but for these people to exist, first someone must teach them..

vaj DaH, maghel'eghnIS; ghojmoHlaH 'Iv ? 'ej majangmeH mu'mey lugh
DISam wIneHchugh, vaj ngeD; pab po'wI'pu' 'utlhwI'pu' je.
So, now, we need to ask ourselves; who is able to teach ? And the
answer is easy; grammarians and those who have retired from the duties
of beginners' grammarians.

naDevvo' tlheDchugh Hoch nuvpu'vam, vaj qaS nuq ? tlhIngan Hol
ghojchoHmoH latlhpu' 'ach po'wI' chaHbe'mo' latlhpu'vam'e', 'Iw puj
rur tlhIngan Hol lughojmoHbogh.
If all these people leave, then what will happen ? Others will begin
to teach klingon, but because they will not be experts, they will be
teaching a watered-down version of klingon.

DaH, peqIm jay'..
Now, pay attention..

nuqDaq yin tlhIngan Hol ?
Where does klingon live ?

tkdDaq, tkwDaq, kcdDaq joq ? wab qoSta' 'aplo' ghap ?
In the tkd, tkw, and/or kcd ? or in audio tapes ?


tlhingan Hol jatlhwI'pu' QoghIjDu'Daq tIqDu'Daq je yIntaH tlhIngan
Hol. 'ej, pa', qalchoHchugh vaj luj tlhIngan Hol nugh Dol.
Klingon lives at the hearts and minds of its speakers; and if it
becomes there corrupt, then the klingon community as a whole will have

'ej, meqvammo', potlhqu' pab po'wI' 'utlhwI'pu' je':
and because of this reason, the existence of experts is crucial:

tlhIngan Hol ghojchu'chugh wa' latlh nuv , vaj wo'vaD ngay' chel wanI'vam.
because when one more person learns proper klingon, then this adds to
the glory of the empire.

~ mayqel *I love maltz* qunen'oS

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