[tlhIngan Hol] when to {-vaD} and when to {-Daq}
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 07:01:52 PST 2019
ok, thank you SuStel and lieven, I understand so far.
But there's still something I wonder..
If I want to say "I bring the knife to the officer", and "I send the knife
to the officer", then would the following be correct ?
yaSvaD taj vIqem
I bring the knife to the officer
yaSvaD taj vIngeH
I send the knife to the officer
And if I want to say "I send the knife from earth to kronos", then would
the following be correct ?
tera'vo' Qo'noSvaD taj vIngeH
I send the knife from earth to kronos
- bara'qa'
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