[tlhIngan Hol] can we apply {ngagh} to humans ?
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Dec 18 07:56:34 PST 2019
On 12/18/2019 10:27 AM, nIqolay Q wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 10:06 AM mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com
> <mailto:mihkoun at gmail.com>> wrote:
> ok, I see..
> But {ngagh} aside..
> In english, do you use the verb "to mate" for humans ?
> Or is it primarily used for animals ?
> I'd say "to mate" is mostly used for animals. You can use it in
> reference to people, but to me, it sounds either detached and clinical
> (as if you were referring to people as some sort of livestock or
> wildlife),
In English, intransitive /mate/ tends to be used only for wildlife, and
it means to copulate. Transitive /mate/ can be used for livestock,
meaning the person causes the animals to breed. It is rarely used to
refer to people.
> In Klingon, from the example of {yIH ngaghwI'}, it seems that you can
> use {ngagh} to refer to people, but it probably has more vulgar
> overtones than {nga'chuq}. (For instance, you might use it in the
> chorus of {Sumqu'} by {vI' jav jav 'uj 'abbogh Hut'Inmey'e'}: {qangagh
> vIneH, Ha'DIbaH vIrur vIneH.})
I think *yIH ngaghwI'* is insulting because it brings the target of the
insult down to the level of an animal. But whether that's because
*ngagh* is for animals and *nga'chuq* is for people or just because
you're talking about doing it with a *yIH,* I don't know.
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