[tlhIngan Hol] double {-'e'}s in be sentences

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Dec 13 06:49:33 PST 2019

On 12/13/2019 9:45 AM, SuStel wrote:
> On 12/13/2019 9:22 AM, Will Martin wrote:
>> While I don’t disagree with anything in this discussion, for myself, 
>> if I wanted to emphasize the Romulans, I’d just say {jaghpu’ chaH 
>> RomuluSnganpu’’e’}.
>> Why is, “As for the enemies, they are the ROMULANS,” preferable to 
>> “The Romulans are our enemies.” It’s more straightforward. Saying it 
>> the other way is kinda fancy-assed for Klingon. Language and culture 
>> are related.
> Because the final noun of a pronoun copula is the topic of the 
> sentence, what the sentence is all about. If you were in a situation 
> where you were beset by enemies and thought they were Vulcans, and you 
> told your comrade to use the Vulcan-only-killing poison he's carrying, 
> your comrade might say **romuluSnganpu' chaH jaghpu''e'.** The topic 
> of your sentence is the enemies, not Romulans. You're taking the topic 
> of your sentence and identifying them. *Those enemies surrounding us? 
> Lemme tell you what they are...*
> Now, this beset-by-enemies situation is exactly one of those where 
> adding focus to the first noun makes perfect sense: 
> **romuluSnganpu''e' chaH jaghpu''e'** *As for the enemies, they are 
> ROMULANS (not something else, like Vulcans).* Again, I'm not saying 
> this is necessarily allowed or disallowed, just that it would be 
> something like this that would give this constructions its purpose.
> This has nothing to do with being fancy.
Those asterisks are what I get for replying to list mail immediately 
after writing on Duolingo.


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