[tlhIngan Hol] what does this {-vIp} mean ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 05:43:28 PST 2019

> I'm afraid that you may have been misled
> by the English expression "be afraid that",
> for example as in "I'm afraid that you may
> have been misled by the English
> expression...". In English, "afraid" can
> mean regret, anxiety, or worry. In Klingon,
> the suffix {-vIp} only denotes fear.


I hadn't thought this. Now that you're mentioning it, I think that indeed,
this has been the source of my confusion.

Anyways, after studying the Ca'Non examples, luckily things became clearer.

~ mayqel qunen'oS
yo' qIj wIqotlhjaj, DorDI' yInmaj poH
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