[tlhIngan Hol] tu'lu' prefix with countable nouns

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Dec 9 06:23:07 PST 2019

On 12/9/2019 9:14 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> I want to say: "how many ships are there ?"
> Do I say {Duj 'ar tu'lu' ?} ?
> Or do I say {Duj 'ar lutu'lu'} ?
> Does the new insight on {'ar}, "outweight" the "pedantic" flavor of 
> the {lutu'lu'} ?
> Or is our beloved {tu'lu'} too tough a nut to crack, even for the 
> newly revealed {'ar} knowledge, thus being able to survive it ?

*Duj 'ar tu'lu'?*

*tu'lu'* doesn't "outweigh" the new rule. When you use *tu'lu',* you 
don't conjugate, so the issue never arises. Before we got the new rule, 
using *tu'lu'* was one of the few safe ways we could deal with the *'ar* 
plurality question, because *tu'lu'* ignores plurality.


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