[tlhIngan Hol] when to {-vaD} and when to {-Daq}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Dec 5 07:04:35 PST 2019

On 12/5/2019 10:01 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> ok, thank you SuStel and lieven, I understand so far.
> But there's still something I wonder..
> If I want to say "I bring the knife to the officer", and "I send the 
> knife to the officer", then would the following be correct ?
> yaSvaD taj vIqem
> I bring the knife to the officer
> yaSvaD taj vIngeH
> I send the knife to the officer
> And if I want to say "I send the knife from earth to kronos", then 
> would the following be correct ?
> tera'vo' Qo'noSvaD taj vIngeH
> I send the knife from earth to kronos

Decide whether you're talking about the location of the knife or who has 
the knife. Did you give the knife to the people of Kronos to receive? Or 
did you just make the knife change locations?


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