[tlhIngan Hol] wam

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 19 11:53:01 PDT 2019

{tlha’} in  canon:

qIrq wItlha'taHqu'
Where Kirk goes, we follow. (ST5)
ngem Sarghmey tlha'laH
be able to chase forest *sarks* (KGT)

The Pursuit (section title, PB)

tlheDDI' quvmoHmeH
    veng HeHDaq lutlha'
    SaD law' nuvpu'
Thousands followed him
    To the edge of the city,
    To bid him farewell.   (PB)
qeylIS He tlha'meH
    qamchIy veng ghoSlI' qotar
    pa' jubbe'wI'vam HoH 'e' nab
[translation unavailable] (PB)

nuch ghaH moratlh'e'
    quvHa' moratlh 'ej jeylu'pu'
    'etlhDaj tlha'
Morath the coward
    Jumped after his sword,
    Dishonored and defeated.  (PB)

From: SuStel
On 8/19/2019 11:06 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
{tlha'} is given as "chase, follow". In english, does the verb "chase" have a negative connotation ? Can I chase someone for a good reason too ? Or is it neutral, and the reason of the chase defines whether it is used for good, or bad ?

It's neutral. You can chase your dreams. Children can chase each other when they play. You can drink a chaser to chase down hard alcohol. My parents' boat is named Chasing Rainbows.

Klingon tlha' doesn't seem to have any positive or negative connotations to it. In English, chase is something you actively do, while follow could be active or passive (you're being led behind something or someone). So far as we know, Klingon tlha' broadly covers both chase and follow.

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