[tlhIngan Hol] teH vs {-na'}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Aug 14 08:13:31 PDT 2019

On 8/14/2019 11:02 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> I think it is fine to use {qamuSHa’} for “I love you,” whenever 
> sufficient context is known by the recipient of the expression. For 
> that matter, a hug or a smile can convey the same thing. I’m not 
> saying that Klingon requires a more specific expression, but if you 
> are translating the expression for a third party, ignorant of the 
> context, it would be good to either provide that context, or choose a 
> different, more specific expression.

If you're translating the expression for a third party who is ignorant 
of the context, then adding in context isn't going to make a difference. 
("Translate /I love you/ into Klingon for me." "Which sort of /I love 
you?/" "Doesn't matter." They want the general-purpose expression, not a 
specific meaning.) If the third party isn't ignorant of the context, 
then they already have the information necessary to determine which /I 
love you/ you're talking about.

Basically, the same context, or lack thereof, that would have applied in 
English applies in Klingon.


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