[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: jatlh
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Aug 15 10:11:53 PDT 2019
On 8/15/2019 12:27 PM, Alan Anderson wrote:
> yIja''egh
> (an example from TKD 4.2.1)
> -- ghunchu'wI'
> On Aug 15, 2019, at 12:17 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name
> <mailto:sustel at trimboli.name>> wrote:
>> In canon, Okrand has only ever used a word like *lut* as the object
>> of *ja'.* He has never explicitly used a person as its object.
Hang on. I found a better example than that.
*loDnI'Daj vavDaj je ja' qeylIS*/Kahless tells his brother and father/ (PB)
But /paq'batlh/ also has *SengmeywIj vIja'laHbe'*/I cannot speak of my
tragedies,/ *chaHvaD lut ja'*/told them his tale,/ *lut ja'taHvIS Hem
rewbe'*/The people tell the tales with pride,/*le'yo' lutmey juja'pu'mo'
qatlho'*/I think you, for your stories of pride/ (Hey, it's an example
of someone saying *qatlho'*), *DaH naDev jIHtaHbogh meq Saja'*/Now I
will tell you why I am here,/ *'ej mu'meyvam ja'*/And spoke these
words,/ *qeylISvaD mu'meyvam ja'ta' molor qotar je*/This is what Kotar
and Molor / Have said to Kahless,/ *ghIq pagh ja'taHvIS*/Then without a
word,/ *quv HIja'chuqQo'*/Don't speak to me of honor!/
So going by /paq'batlh,/ it is possible to use a person as the object of
*ja',* but it's FAR more common to use the words or information told as
the object.
My guess: the "natural" object of *ja'* is the direct object, the
information or words told. When using a direct object, any indirect
object must be explicitly marked with *-vaD.* But when there is no
explicit direct object, the indirect object, the entity to whom
something is told, can sit in the object position.
Much like the way *-moH* seems to work with objects.
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