[tlhIngan Hol] teH vs {-na'}
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Aug 14 16:49:43 PDT 2019
On 8/14/2019 6:54 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> paq'batlh:
> > qeylIS tIghmey'e' DaH tIQoy
> > teH tIghmey 'ej bIH bolIjlaHbe'
> > Hear now, […] The ways of Kahless,
> > For they are true And unforgettable. PB
> I can't understand, how this use of "true", is any different from the
> "true" of "true love, true hate, true light, etc"..
> Perhaps, since english isn't my native language, I can't perceive the
> difference. But you bet your bird of prey, that I can't *feel* any
> difference whatsoever.
> Can someone shed some light on all this ?
Dictionary.com lists 17 different senses of the adjective /true:/
I don't see that we have much evidence to say which ones of those *teH*
means. I'm sure it only means some of them, but picking which is tricky.
I would not be so quick to assume that *teH *means only conforming to
reality and not genuineness.
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