[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "to whip"

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Mon Aug 26 08:12:04 PDT 2019

I'd expect that using -Daq would get the point across, similar to the way you specify the target of a ranged weapon attack, but I have no idea if it would sound natural or not.


From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 17:04
To: tlhIngan Hol mailing list
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] expressing "to whip"

ok, I understand.

Let me ask you though..

Would there be any other way, to use {Qach} for that matter, without it being preceded by a {-meH} phrase ?

~ chchch
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