[tlhIngan Hol] Clarification on SIch

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Wed Apr 24 10:46:50 PDT 2019

The version I heard him tell recently was that he had arrived early to transfer the scripted portions into the system, but when he arrived they informed him the the scripted portions would not be ready until the end of the week.  They told him to come back (on Friday? Saturday?), and ST said they needed the work to be completed before that same day, so it worked out perfectly.


From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> on behalf of Will Martin <willmartin2 at mac.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 7:54 AM
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [tlhIngan Hol] Clarification on SIch

The version of this story that I remember was not that they finished work on the Academy Awards early, but that they got there and discovered that the equipment they needed would not arrive until the following week, hence, everyone on Okrand’s crew hanging out for a week with nothing to do.

In any case, it was amazingly fortunate for all involved, since it is highly unlikely that anyone else would have put this much work into developing a remarkably functional language, when all that was required of the mission was to fake a few lines for the camera, like they did in the first Star Trek movie, or like Okrand did for Atlantean…

I shouldn’t presume…

Has anyone here learned Atlantean? The dictionary looks pretty small by comparison to Klingon; maybe five hundred words at the most? Hmm. Fewer. They seem to list “different" words for the same spelling and meaning with different person/number references…

Is it worth learning?

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

On Apr 24, 2019, at 2:17 AM, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de<mailto:levinius at gmx.de>> wrote:

Am 24.04.2019 um 07:48 schrieb Lieven L. Litaer:
But at this point, I'm not sure anymore if the initial contact was for
Vulcan or for Klingon. I'm sure he talks about it on some interview on
youtube, I need to check that again.

Okay, I found it faster than I thought. Just for the record, here is the
story (which I've also added to the wiki now).

Marc Okrand in Video interview by "EC Henry":

Marc Okrand was in Los Angeles working on the closed captioning for the
Academy Awards.

Since he was done with that sooner than expected, he had some spare time
and called a friend who lived in L.A. When she heard were he was, she
said that this is only a mile away from her job at Paramount Pictures,
and she invited him to come for lunch. She was the assistant to Harve
Bennett [not mentioned, but according the credits it must be Sylvia
Rubinstein], producing Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which Marc
Okrand had also known for a long time too.
During the lunch conversation, they talked about how they would redo the
Vulcan scene. She mentioned a person who would help them from UCLA
(Okrand does not remember his name and would be happy to know), but he
was hard to get at the time, being busy all day. The producers needed
the job to be done before the end of the week and that was exactly the
time Okrand was there, so he suggested that he could do that.

So he just went there and did it. First he met with Kirstey Alley (aka
Savik) and a couple of days later he worked with Leonard Nimoy.

He was quite happy when he realized the weird situation that he had just
taught Spock how to speak Vulcan.

This is not in the video, but after this, Orand was simply contacted by
Harve Bennett to do the Klingon dialogues for ST3.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
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