[tlhIngan Hol] {net jalchugh} and the various "then"

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Mon Apr 29 13:32:32 PDT 2019

The first one makes sense. One imagines I’m rich, thus I buy the ancient cat. The reason one imagines that I’m rich logically ties into what I’d buy if that were true. To be honest, I don’t like it much, but it sort works.

The next two don’t make sense because I read it as “One imagines that I’m rich — at the time that one imagines that I’m rich, I’m going to buy the ancient cat. I guess this might mean that I’m going to bamboozle someone into thinking that I’m rich so they’ll extend me credit and I buy the cat, even though I don’t have the money?


Time is real, even if someone is imagining something that isn’t real. The time anchor is the action of imagining. Time doesn’t apply to your imaginary world.

Ditto for “subsequently”. One imagines I’m rich and after they have imagined that I’m rich, here in the real world, I buy the ancient cat, even though I’m not rich.

Just to be clear about what I think you mean, I’d say it like this; {mIp’a'wIj vIjalDI’, reH vIghro’wIj tIQ vIje’ta’bogh vIjal je.}

I mean, random entities probably could not care less about whether or not you want an expensive, ancient cat, so the indefinite subject doing the imagining doesn’t cut it for me. YOU, however, clearly spend quality daydream time focused on that cat you wish you could afford, but are unlikely to ever actually afford.

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

> On Apr 26, 2019, at 9:39 AM, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Read:
> jImIp net jalchugh, vaj vIghro' tIQ vIje' 
> jImIp net jalchugh, ngugh vIghro' tIQ vIje' 
> jImIp net jalchugh, ghIq vIghro' tIQ vIje' 
> I *feel* there is a difference between the above three sentences, but I can't say I understand what this difference actually is.
> maj..
> So, what's the difference ?
> ~ m. qunen'oS 
> may the Ca'Non be with you
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