[tlhIngan Hol] What would you understand if..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 10:15:01 PDT 2019


> {yay} seems redundant: {jIHDaq jIwev} is 

> probably sufficient.

True. I hadn't thought of that.


> Also, this is just a personal preference 

> but I prefer {QumwI'} to describe the type 

> of {ghogh HablI'} on which such a thing is 

> possible.

True again.

I think we'd discussed this on twitter too. I agree with the fact that nowdays, a phone is much much more than a simple "transmitter of voice".

But the problem which would worry me, is in case I didn't use {ghogh HablI'}, and choose {QumwI'}, {toch De'wI'}, or anything similar, perhaps the reader wouldn't be able to understand that it is a phone I'm actually talking about.

~ m. qunen'oS

In the name of tkd, kgt, and tkw; amen.

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