[tlhIngan Hol] {net jalchugh} and the various "then"

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Apr 26 06:49:20 PDT 2019

On 4/26/2019 9:39 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> jImIp net jalchugh, vaj vIghro' tIQ vIje'
> jImIp net jalchugh, ngugh vIghro' tIQ vIje'
> jImIp net jalchugh, ghIq vIghro' tIQ vIje'
> I *feel* there is a difference between the above three sentences, but 
> I can't say I understand what this difference actually is.
> maj..
> So, what's the difference ?
/If I were rich, therefore I would buy an ancient cat.
If I were rich, at that time I would buy an ancient cat./ (At what time?)
/If I were rich, and then I would buy an ancient cat./ (What is this 
coming after?)

Only the first one is acceptable as a standalone sentence; the others 
require setting up a prior context. And the first one only works because 
Okrand lets *vaj* be combined with *-chugh* in an /if/then/ formation.


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